Most people think that pressure washing & water blasting can only be used for cleaning purposes. This would make most people wrong. If you are working with a professional pressure washing company which has the proper size machine and the right attachments, a pressure washer & water blasting services can effectively strip failing paint and loose corrosion. This system has many benefits and can turn a very pricey and invasive job into something a little more manageable. However, power washing can still be used to clean a vast number of surfaces very effectively.
At Diotte Coatings, we offer both hot & cold water blasting services and WJ4 prep standard pressure washing services and everything else in between.
Many surfaces can be effectively cleaned with cold water. Exteriors of buildings take a huge hit from our hectic climate here in Canada and sometimes look a little worse for wear. Over the years they will start to have build up of dirt, soot, mud and green stuff that doesn’t look at all appealing. Whether to just clean the surface or to prep it for painting, power washing is the way to go. It is inexpensive and environmentally safe, not like sandblasting or dry ice blasting. With the proper PSI, a pressure washer can even strip loose flaking paint. This will leave the surface clean and looking like new or if you ran into peeling problems it will have it ready for a fresh coat of paint.
Some industrial settings have stubborn stains and/or leaks on their walls and other surfaces due to their production processes. This can be in the form of exhaust soot, syrups from sugar processing, and any other very stubborn stains and/or build up. Cold water can do a decent job of cleaning these messes, but hot water is where you can do it efficiently and effectively. Everyone knows hot water cleans better than cold water and the same is true for pressure washing. For those very stubborn messes and staining, hot water is the way to go.
Many customers come to us thinking sandblasting is the only answer to their project. Sandblasting is a very invasive process and is often quite expensive due to the prep that needs to be done before it can be performed. At Diotte Coatings we save our customers huge sums of money with our knowledge of pressure washing services. A 5000 PSI pressure washer or higher with a spin jet nozzle attachment can achieve a level of prep that is accepted by NACE inspectors worldwide. SSPC-SP WJ4 is a great alternative to sandblasting for steel prep. This process will strip and clean away any loose or failing paint and leave the surface clean of contamination, leaving it ready for paint. Call Diotte Coatings today to see if this system can work for you!
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